
Tuesday, 19 May 2015

BATS Agility Show - May 2015

It's been a while since I have written about our dog shows. Mainly because we haven't been to many since we had a new (human) addition to our family. This is the first Kennel Club show we have been to since summer 2014. We have been to a couple of unaffiliated shows, but I haven't had time to write about those.

Anyway, it showed that I haven't had much practice for a while as I was making rookie mistakes with both Zazu at grade 3 and Shadow at grade 7. This was also Shadow's first KC show at G7, we didn't exactly show off our skills!

Me and Rupert having a relaxing lunch

Zazu was up first with grade 3 jumping. This was a nice flowing course and Zazu really got into his stride. I got in his way which slowed him right down but he picked up again going through the weaves. Our first run of the day our our first victory, 1st place! That really was the high point of the day and it went downhill from there, this was my only clear round of the day! We both got a bit messy in the 3-7 agility, even if we did walk it without numbers. The course numbers went walk about over night so we had to wait a long time before the class could get underway. I did find it strange that everyone was walking the course with no numbers. I wasn't sure whether to follow someone or just wait! Zazu's last run of the day was grade 3 agility. Zazu ran really well getting all of his contacts and running out nicely. I lent over too much and we took the wrong jump, but you can't tell that from the video!

Shadow was really grumpy by the time it was her turn so I knew she was going to be a handful. She flew out of the starting blocks. I kept getting in the wrong place but she was making up for it. We missed a jump out of the tunnel and Shadow didn't want to slow down to turn. Our grade 6-7 jumping was a bad round on my part. It was a tricky start but again I got in the wrong place a couple of times and ended up nearly knocking over some jumps, whoops! Our final run was grade 6-7 agility. This was a really good run apart from the extra tunnel Shadow added onto the course. I didn't pay her enough attention so she deviated slightly.

Both dogs ran really considering the lack of training they have had. Zazu now needs only one more win to get into grade 4. Our next show isn't for a couple of weeks. You never know, I might put some training in between now and then!